It's me again and this time around I'm touching on the issue of spoken languages across the globe. It's quite understandable that the English language is the most widely used form of communication in the world(I'm even using it to type right now, lol) but (and once again I'm speaking from my own opinion) each and everyone of us has a unique native language that we use either between clansmen or ethnic groups or whatever culture we hailed from as a people. The focus now shifts to some African countries and in my case Ghana. We have a very rich divestiture of languages cutting across the entire nation from North to South to East and to the West and of course we all use English as our formal language, no problem with that. Now there are other countries that are also similar to us in terms of the above but when it comes to international front they rather speak their native language while allowing a translator to interpret what they said. Now I'm not bashing on any language here but I strongly believe that for a race or people to progress in whatever classification they need to accept, cherish as well as market what they have to offer to world before they would be recognized. Have you ever sat down to think that continuously speaking another man's language is just as equal to marketing their culture? Wouldn't it be nice to be known by the native language you speak worldwide rather than "an English speaking country"? It's ok to speak English, trust me we communicate well with it but let us also bring out what we also have to offer to the world. After all it's a fair playground, is it not?
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